Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm taking a husband.

I assumed this account would have gone away by now, expired as I seem to never post.

I am engaged. I traveled with the boy to Paris this weekend, and after we sat down to dinner at Alain Ducasse and took our first sips of pre-dinner champagne (a fabulous blanc de blanc), he toasted the furture of our relationship and asked me to marry him! I absolutely love the ring (my good friend Georgia did a terrific job "guiding" him in his search for the perfect ring). The best part was we got to spend our first two days as fiancees walking about Paris!

On the first day we started in St. Germain de Pres, walked to the Latin Quarter then over to Notre Dame and Ille St. Louis. After that we headed over to the right bank and walked from the Louvre to the Tuilleries and down the Champs-Elysees towards to the Arc du Triomphe. We grabbed a quick bite and headed back to the hotel to change for dinner at Alain Ducasse in the Plaza Athenee (where Carrie and Petrovsky were supposed to have stayed according to SATC).

Day two began at breakfast in Montparnasse (woohoo croissant!). From there we headed to Montmarte and saw the Sacre Coeur and were accosted by "artists" who threatened to draw our caricature..... nearly escaping we headed back to the Left Bank and toured the Musee d'Orsay. Afterwards, we met up with Annabelle for a bottle of wine, and walked around the 7th arrondisement with her towards her apartment which is right near the Eiffel Tower. Saw the tower, walked back towards St. Germain de Pres and our hotel. Dinner at Le Coupe Chou, this adorable (and OLD) restaurant with typical country food. Walked back to Notre Dame and around the Latin Quarter. Didn't set alarm because "we never sleep past nine." Woke up the next day at noon......

Went to the Marais. Spent the afternoon there followed by a wonderful early evening at a cafe on the Seine staring at Notre Dame and eating crepes and drinking champagne. Dinner was at Chez Francis which has a view of the Eiffel Tower at night.

That is all. Came back from the City of Love one ring heavier :)