Friday, August 1, 2008

Going to the Chapel

Ahhhh, I don't blog, BUT given that wedding planning has been so much fun (I missed my calling, seriously), I thought maybe I'd blog about the wedding plans.

The date is set! We will be married on September 12, 2009 here in New York City. We are being married at the church I attend, St. Paul the Apostle, by Lincoln Center. The boy is converting to Catholicism, so it will be the church we attend as a married couple too! The reception is going to be at the Puck Building. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, it's the building that they used to show as Grace's office building in Will&Grace. It has this loft space at the top of the building which used to be the room that housed the printing machine for Puck Magazine. The wood floors are like a million years old and it has all of these beautiful arched windows that provide views in all directions but South.

The exclusive caterer of the space is a catering company owned by Danny Meyer (of Union Square Cafe, Gramercy Tavern, etc.). He also has a BBQ restaurant, so we are having a bbq station and a pasta station at the reception. For the cocktail hour, they are passing sliders, pigs in blankets and crab cakes. All comfort food!! We want it to feel as laid back as possible. We are also having cupcakes instead of wedding cake, because neither of us like wedding cake, but we both have a soft spot for cupcakes. We are going to have to go around the city and taste all of the cupcakes and declare a winner - what a fun task!