Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Viva le Michelin Guide

So the Michelin Guide just came out with its guide for New York 2009. I am a sucker for the Michelin Guide. This is mainly because I have always found the stupid Zagat for New York hard to rely on (Au Bon Pain, really?). And its really hard to differentiate between a 21 and 22 or 23, etc. on Zagat's scale. Also, for whatever reason, Michelin seems to mirror my thoughts in terms of restaurants.

Case #1- Picholine is one of my favorite restaurants. Always go there on special occasions, or rather, when we go there, it becomes a special occasion. When the Michelin Guide first came out for New York in 2007, it had one star. I was so proud when it was bumped up to two stars in 2008 (which it retained for 2009).

Case #2 - Ate at La Goulue (which at the time had a star). Did not enjoy the food. Neither did some friends that went some weeks later - its star was taken away in 2008.

Case #3 - Ate at A Voce last week (which I LOVED the first time we ate there back in '07). Not so good this time around. The "sommelier" thought Brunello was from Piedmont and brought us burgundy glasses to drink it out of.... the food was a little off kilter too. I can remember the REALLY good gnocchi I had last year... this time just wasn't the same. A Voce had its star taken away in this year's guide. Apparently the head chef left.

Surprised it left this year: Babbo
Not Surprised it got a star: Allen&Delancy, Insieme
Not Surprised it got two stars: Adour
Deserves its three stars: Per Se..... what a meal

Guides are far far far from perfect, but I like this Michelin Guide and hope it continues to review other U.S. cities.