Saturday, May 19, 2012

Emerald Isle - Day Four - the Cliffs of Moher, the Burren and Galway Bay

Day four was definitely our marathon day!!!  We boarded a 7am train from Dublin bound for Limerick.  We found seats in our appointed car, only to be told by our tour director that we needed to move, for no particular reason.  Kate and Mom were seated across from a lovely mother/daughter duo from New York.  I, on the other hand, was seated across from a nun and her husband (yes, you read that mostly correctly) from Texas!  Two hours on the train later I was being "informed" by Mr. Nun that he thinks the women's movement left women (me in particular) less liberated.  Turns out women used to spend their days shopping with the money their husbands gave them, watching their kids and lunching with their friends.  Notwithstanding that his described existence sounded pretty good to me at the time, as I was constantly on my crack berry answering emails, I explained that the empowerment lay in the choice to marry my blackberry or lunch with my friends.  And I love my choice!  He didn't seem convinced.  Did I mention I don't like speaking to strangers on mass transit (or, in general)?  I did not get my Mom's genes.  I did, possibly, though scientifically possible, get Aunt Kate's genes.

Our first stop was in Limerick, where we did a quick drive through on our way out to Bunratty Castle.  I suppose the castle was supposed to be the most lux digs around once upon a time, but I don't envy anyone who lived in one.  The narrow winding staircases were crazy!  Bunratty village was also a lot of fun.  Mom kept trying to play with the livestock.  We saw a precious baby goat nurse.  On our way back to meet our bus, Mom met Ginny and Georgie!  I hope the State Department is not reading this, as I think mom lied on her immigration form when she answered that she had not been in contact with livestock on her trip.

Lunch was at a pub in Doolin.

After lunch we headed to the Cliffs of Moher.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day, which I understand to be the opposite of the day on which everyone else on Earth has traveled to the cliffs.  It was such beautiful, sunny weather that I couldn't get a good picture because of the brightness.  Oh well - I have the images in my mind.  We walked up both sides and admired the majesty of the cliffs.

Our tour guide warned us about traveling to the non-walled parts of the cliffs, as high winds have resulted in people falling off.  When we got to the end of the walled path, we saw a sign that read "Extreme Danger".  In case we couldn't read, a lovely french wife yelled at her husband who was crossing the wall over the Extreme Danger yelled "Eh-treme Dan-jay"!  What does my mother do?  Follows the french husband and then proceeds to taunt me from the other side of the wall as she peers over the edges of the cliffs.  Oh, a Mother's love!

After the Cliffs of Moher, we drove out to the Burren, which was amazing.  It used to be the ocean floor.  It's a whole national park where I presume you can camp, but it doesn't seem like it would be comfortable.

We drove around the whole Galway Bay and took in the scenery and drove along the Wall of Famine.

We caught a train in Galway back down to Limerick, where we were going to stay the night.  On said train was a drunk/high/crazy 30ish year old man who was yelling and carrying on.  He fell asleep for the first hour of the train ride, but unfortunately woke up for the second hour.  He came up to the three of us and sat across the aisle of the train car and touched my leg.  Oh no you didn't, sir!  Where I come from that is called an unwanted touching, otherwise known as assault.  I looked at him and said, firmly "Do not touch me."  He became irate and was yelling and throwing paper and things.  At the next stop on the train the very nice conductor kicked Mr. Assault off the train and apologized to us (as though it was his fault) that we had been bothered.  The last 45 minutes of the train ride were peaceful as can be.

We checked into the George Boutique Hotel in Limerick.  I guess the only three person room they had was also a handicapped room, as we had a walk in shower with a seat in it.  Every time you took a shower, you had to use at least 10 towels just so you didn't flood the room.  Oh yea, and the toilet could only flush once an hour- - but I suppose that is not connected to its being a handicapped room.  This was also our first (but not last) experience with a hair dryer that lived in the desk drawer.  I say "lived" because you could not remove the hair dryer from the desk drawer - it was connected to the plug through a hole in the back of the dress drawer........

Dinner was at Marco Polo - a mod, very interestingly decorated Italian restaurant.  Both Mom and Kate got the mushroom risotto.... Mom's without parmesan cheese.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Who orders risotto without the parmesan?  My mom! That's who!  My mother began her routine of attempting to force her food upon me.  "Why are you eating Kate's and not mine?"  "Because yours is flavorless white rice with mushrooms in it, Mom!"

Needless to say, when we got back to the hotel, we had no problem falling into a very deep sleep!