Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 7: San Sebastian, Martin Berasategui, September 2012

On the third day in San Sebastian, we took our coffee by the beach and then toured around some more, stopping in a couple churches which face one another (several) blocks apart.

This day we went to the "secondary", "less awesome" beach, which turned out to be the most awesome of the beaches, as it had lounge chairs you could rent for the day. My guidebook suggested these lounge chairs were a whopping 15 euro a day. My guidebook was wrong - 6 euro TOTAL for two :)  Amazeballs.

The presence of back support made leaving the beach incredibly difficult; however, we left for lunch at La Tagliatella, the Italian restaurant we had been hoping to find in Barcelona. It smelled amazing and the food lived up to the smell, despite its Macaroni Grill style "create your own pasta" menu. We were both super satiated with the meal.  God bless Italian food!

After a couple more hours on the beach, we headed to Martin Berasategui....

Martin Berasategui

Ok folks, I don't have our menu from this one, just pictures. Sorry - this was a taxing three days on the digestive system.

 This was some kind of foie gras cake/terrine/amazing thing
 Our waiter warned us that we had to eat this in one bite and with our mouths closed. Sure enough, when we bit into it, its amazing squid ink filling came pouring out - it would have been the end of Chris's white shirt if our mouths were open!
 This was Chris's first course. It is certainly one of the most beautiful salads I have ever seen.
 Spanish ham. Enough said.
White tuna

 We originally were seated outside on this beautiful patio. The weather was amazing, but we couldn't get past the table of 6 chain smokers (i.e. Europeans) next two us - all of whom literally smoked a cigarette between each of their first four courses. We didn't even have to ask (though in fairness Rachel wasn't shy with her patented malevolent glare) and our waiter just came up and apologized and asked if he could move us inside. Martin B definitely wins the service award.

Again, remind me to start ordering my steak rare in the U.S.
 Flourless chocolate cake with caramel ice cream and salted caramel flakes.
 Deconstructed apple cake.
 9 Michelin stars in 3 days... Must start juice cleanse