Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Neighbor's Got to Go

I was in heaven all weekend. I had a house that I could pretend was my own and entertain people in it. Huge kitchen, dining table, etc. - it was a putterer's dream. And I am nothing if not a putterer :)

While I puttered - game night began. It began innocently enough with a lingerie shower of sorts where the bride had to guess who gifted each pair. Brownie Alligator's were easily the best. This blog is mostly PG, however, so there will be no pictures! It was followed by a drinking game where the bride has to correctly answer questions posed to the groom. Highlight here was the groom's answer that the bride's favorite activity is eating french fries while watching the Biggest Loser. A rousing game of Pin the Hose on the Fireman (and all that it implies) came next. A pictionary game followed. That's all I will say about that.

As the evening/early morning wore on, a select few of the louder girls (myself included) decided to hit the hot tub. Not more than 5 minutes in, we heard the neighbor yelling at us to keep it down. Not more than 10 minutes following that we were paid a visit by the property manager telling us our hot tub party had to end. Plots were hatched to "flamingo" her lawn with some leftover straws. The better part of reason kicked in and this plan was not realized.

Around 2:30, the last of us headed to bed. Or so I thought. At 5:08 am, we received the following picture via email from Ga.

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