Friday, July 27, 2012

The Emerald Isle - Day 5 - Killarney

On day 5, we woke up in Limerick, quickly decided it didn't warrant a morning spent exploring (or eating breakfast for that matter) and decided on a train down to Killarney, a lovely little town.  Upon arrival, we walked across the street to the Malton, our incredible hotel.  We immediately headed out for lunch at a pub on the main drag.  Another delicious bowl of soup for me, another 4 pieces of Irish bread for Mom ;)  Kate had her eyes set on an apple crumble for dessert.  The proprietor came and chatted us up, and described his own experiences traveling in the United States, mostly in connection with seeing U2 in concert, whom he seems to know personally.  He described sitting in a VIP lounge at some concert that was somewhat broken up when Chelsea Clinton and her friends showed up!

We continued our day going in and out of all of the lovely shops in Killarney.  Mom found an "Irish Potato Cookbook" for my dad, who insists (perhaps not wholly inaccurately) that all Irish food is devoid of flavor and consists of boiled meat and boiled potatoes.

We got an afternoon snack in an ice cream cone and headed to the hotel to dress for dinner.  We had a drink by the fireplace at dinner where "not-Rory", my mom's name for all Irish men not named Rory or Kieran, served us drinks.  We headed to the dining room to what certainly was one of the culinary highlights of the trip.

It was a fun-packed, but relatively low key day for 3 travelers who much needed a relaxing day :)

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