Monday, May 14, 2007

the senator

so yesterday I met Senator McCain and his wife. The boy, Georgia, T Charlie and I had gone to the Atelier at the Four Seasons for dinner before Grad Ball. As we were leaving I hear the boy say "Hello Senator." I turn around, and sure enough there's John McCain and his wife. The boy knows one of McCain's personal friends from work, so he got to name drop a little. Then I wished Mrs. McCain a Happy Mother's Day. We were all in black tie on a Sunday night, so she asked us what was the occasion. We said graduation from law school and it turns out they are in town for their undergrad daughter's graduation from Columbia as well. Maybe we'll see them again at the ceremony (serious doubts here). Anyways, that was pretty cool for a Sunday night.

Today is my 24th birthday! The boy and I are going to Babbo to celebrate. Continuing the week long non stop party that started last Friday. My parents arrive tomorrow!

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