Friday, September 25, 2009

Luna de Miel, Day One

We wake up to, of course, sunshine. God forbid it be sunny on either of our wedding days, but that's another story. Biden was in town for wedding day, Obama, as dial car driver explains, is in town for honeymoon departure day. Hence tons of traffic en route to JFK. God Bless Aunt Nette and Uncle Grumpy - we are in first class. Eat good, edible three course dinner. Even the wine was drinkable. Husband polished off wife's half eaten ice cream sundae and when wife fell asleep, put both empty ice cream bowls in front of wife, making her look like a pig. Watch the Hangover, which neither husband nor wife has seen. Wife started her viewing 10 minutes before husband, so not exactly watching it together, but it's close enough. Arrive at CDG only to learn that we are to disembark our international flight between two major airports via stairs. Are you kidding me? We also have to walk up two flights of stairs to get to customs, because.. well, this is France, and this is how things are done. Two miles of terminal walking later, we arrive at the Air France terminal a full two hours before departure time. By the grace of God, we don't have to speak to a human being in order to obtain boarding passes. Wife notices airport security officers in CDG carry automatic weapons, and is unsure whether to feel secure or terrified. Husband assures her that, this being France, the guns probably lack bullets. Husband and wife are A team of boarding chaotic Air France flights and are first on board. After quite expensive, though short, cab ride, we arrive at the Marriott and wife, famished, eats her first hamburger in years.

Though it wasn't critical, the meal helps wife slip into food coma and wife and husband fall asleep for little 6 hour nap. Upon waking, wife questions whether dinner is necessary or whether she can go back to sleep. Husband insists on dinner. Husband happily learns that many Italians live in Monaco, so many in fact, that most restaurants are... wait for it... Italian. Big smile from husband. After big dinner, wife has gained at least 2 pounds and it's only day one. On way back from resturant, husband and wife walk through a park and see a white duck by the fence. Approach very friendly duck and wife feeds him leftover crackers from flight that day. He eats them right out of her hand.

Wife names duck Jacques and promises to return to feed him. Husband sets alarm at hotel, which turns out to be very necessary, as both parties would have easily slept through it.

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