Thursday, January 6, 2011

Part 1: Paris, Texas.... as in Paris & Texas, not to be confused with Paris, Texas.

On December 16th, the husband and I made our way (back home) to the Lone Star State. First stop, NorthPark mall where we ate P.F. Changs, my husband judged me for drinking a beer at noon (hello, we're on vacation thank you!) and we finally sorry Harry Potter 7, part un.

Random side story. Husband, until around December 10, 2010, had never seen a Harry Potter movie or read a Harry Potter book. "Trix are for kids" seemed to be his motto. Well, hesnapped out of THAT quickly. We watched a marathon of Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban and the Goblet of Fire on a Sunday. Man was HOOKED. By Tuesday, he didn't even wait for me to get home from work to watch Half Blood Prince, as he just "assumed because I saw it recently, I didn't need to see it again." Translation? I am hooked to the kids' movies and I can't wait two hours to watch it with you. I even got the following emails at work "When are Ron and Hermione going to realize they are in love?????", followed by "Wait, Snape is EVIL?" Anyhoo, to my great pleasure husband was chomping at the bit to see HP7p1 and now I have a fellow obsessive devotee to stand in line with me for the midnight showing on July 11, 2011. Oh, and now husband declares we have to see it in Imax too.

So anyways, after the movie we headed up to see Sarah and Matt. We saw their giganticapartment, played with a very riled-up Riley Cat and headed to Uncle Julio's to satisfy wifey's "fix" of mexican food. There are serious withdrawal symptoms when I'm away from this stuff my friends...... The next day husband and I traveled to Dealey Plaza and went to the museum in the book depository. We then toured homes in Highland Park, where husband is trying his best to convince wife we should live. STAT.

That night the "dance moms" and daughters got together for dinner and the Nutcracker at Bass Hall in Forth Worth. We had such a good time at Fondue we didn't realize what time it was and basically had to stuff the dessert fondue in our purses as we fled the restaurant for the theater. Seeing the Nutcracker brought back such happy memories of our childhood/teenage years. It's so wonderful that all of the mommies and daughters are still friends after 20 years :)

Sunday morning, husband met the mommies and daughters for breakfast and Sarah, husband and I began the trip down to Wacko. Oh Wacko.......

Next time on Paris, Texas: Austin, Texas, the Dr. Pepper Museum, and more Mexican food.

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